Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday Night Motivational Quotes
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
-- Denis Waitley
"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere."
-- Agnes Repplier
"The only real security in life lies in relishing life's insecurity."
-- M. Scott Peck
"Do not abandon trust when your ego thinks things should be different than they are."
-- Wayne Dyer
"Leave the beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before."
----Alexander Graham Bell----
"Every morning is a fresh beginning. Every day is the world made new. Today is a new day. Today is my world made new. I have lived all my life up to this moment, to come to this day. This moment--this day--is as good as any moment in all eternity. I shall make of this day--each moment of this day--a heaven on earth. This is my day of opportunity."
---Dan Custer, Author
Courtesy of VAP Marketing
Investing within the US today?
The state of the US economy today is as poor as it's been since the great depression IMHO. Congress just passed a 700 billion dollar bailout of the banking system that the US government felt was necessary to keep us from going into a full blown rescission. That to me seems like a hefty cost that you and I (Joe taxpayer) will foot the bill for, considering that we are already in a minor recession.
I have some data that shows the shoddy history of the Federal Reserve. It highly suggests that it's the biggest scam in the history of the world. I’ll send it to you, just ask me. When the US switched from the gold standard to the Federal Reserve System we set ourselves up for the current state of the Economy. Read what one of our forefathers wrote long ago:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
- So Said Mr. Thomas Jefferson, 200 years ago.-
Ralph Nader said it best in a recent news article posted on April 7, 2008 titled: Corporate America Gets a Bail-out Bonanza, whereby he writes:
Is there a larger, more exploited, defenseless group of undifferentiated Americans than the 133 million individual federal income taxpayers? Their dollars are used to subsidize organized corporate interests, giveaway taxpayer assets like minerals under the public lands, and bail out speculative, self-enriching corporations and their crooked bosses. There is no penalty for failure -- whether on Wall Street or in Washington, D.C. for misusing or wasting the taxpayers' monies. I asked a powerful Senator: What are the discernable legal limits on the Federal Reserve's bailout authority and how much total risk can the Federal Reserve heap on the taxpayers?
Can they go to a trillion dollars? He did not know.
While Ralph Nader is seemingly not a fan of expatriation as a solution, the reasons why someone would want to do so includes some of his very own criticisms. Other reasons include loss of civil liberties, and possibly some even worse scenarios one would rather not think about. Now they want to try and stick it to you with a new expatriation tax? Good luck with that one guys, and may the force be with you. Most people are not that stupid. Many people indeed simply go on vacation, albeit permanently, after they have already gotten their money out before hand. Which is why we could certainly speculate that currency controls might be the next thing to be pulled out of the proverbial bag of tricks (which is also why getting some cash up, up and away sometime very soon could not be a bad idea).
Regardless, it is much more palatable to watch all this unfold from a galaxy far, far away - Don't you think
So, I'm investing my money in a non-traditional way, away from banks, insurance companies, stocks, mutual funds or ANYTHING that is effected by the current US economy. My investment portfolio includes off shore investments in casinos, real estate, FOREX, and chosen reliable programs that have a track record of success.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday Night is FUN night
I've decided to make Friday a day when I stop taking myself serious and
just throw some fun stuff out there, so Here we go:
This one is titled "have a drink" (which I highly recommend on a Friday night)
Did you you know that---------------
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you will have $49.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you will have $33.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, you will have $0.00 today.
But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer and then turned in the aluminum cans for a recycling refund, you will have received $214.00.
Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle. It is called the 401-Keg.
A recent study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a year.
Another study found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year.
That means that, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon! HA!
Makes you proud to be an American!
Now, having said that, I believe this to be a bit of an exaggeration. I'll save you the trouble of researching it--
Those stocks value are probably pretty accurate, but the Aluminum is probably worth about a quarter of that. But.......the point is that we need to poke fun at the sad state of the economy. If not, we'll probably cry.
I have my own way to combat the current horrible US economy. I invest off shore with organizations who have the knowledge and experience to make my money grow at the phenomenal rate of 2.5% or more per day. There is a whole world of internet investing than can be very lucrative if you play it right. If you are the least bit curious, contact me for more info.
Summary of "The Business School..." a testimonial for running a NWB
Chapter 1 Rich people build networks--All others work for a living.
The author begins with an example of the story of Thomas Edison—who did not invent the light bulb but did establish a system to allow you and I to use the light bulb—he built a network of employees, electrical lines and relay stations that made the light bulb commercially viable –that network was called General Electric. He understood that the system or network was more powerful than the invention itself.
Chapter 2-- There Is More than One Way To Become Rich
The 10 traditional ways to become rich:
1) Marry into money
2) Inherit money
3) Be cheap—save all you can
4) Hard work-over the years
5) Be gifted/talented/beautiful-movie stars
6) steal the money
7) lucky—lottery/gambling
8) investing—have money and knowledge
9) greed—Enron, etc
10) build a traditional business
Kiyosaki states there is an 11th way—build a NWM (Network Marketing) business
And he notes that the common thread of the 10 above ways—all have one person as the one who becomes rich—YOU
In NWM –you focus on helping others become rich-you cannot do it without
helping others—the perfect business model that you cannot cheat others!
Chapter 4 Life Changing Business Education
It is not about the money (compensation plan) nor the products as it is more about
changing your core values and therefore lifestyle. The number one reason Kiyosaki
recommends a network marketing business is for its system of education. It is a
real life business school as skills will make you rich—not theories as taught in a
traditional business school. All the traditional schools teach is the skills to be a good employee. Such is the reason this book is titled The Business School For People Who Like Helping People.
The author noted that the successful leaders in NWM have been trained to develop this ability to speak to the human spirit. They inspire you to be better than you are-To reach for higher goals that are attainable in a NWM business that are not there otherwise.
Chapter 5 Change Your Quadrants-Not Your Job
Kiyosaki draws out a formula that has 4 quadrants. He said his ‘rich dad’ told him that you will know which quadrant you are in from how the cash flows to you.
The quadrants are as follows:
Receive a regular paycheck from a business you do not own then you are in the ‘E’ quadrant - for employee who strives for security-
Receive your income from a commission or from each client or patient job—you are in the ‘S’ quadrant - for self-employed—strives for independence (lawyer, accountant, doctor, real estate) An S quadrant person is the smartest person on a small team.
‘B’ quadrant -- Receive an income from the business you own and has 500 employees or more then you are a B quadrant for business owner. –strives for placing people on his or her team (Henry Ford, Bill Gates) that are the best and smartest in their fields.
‘I’ Quadrant for the investor who strives for financial freedom as this person
generates a residual income off his or her investments which in NWM was
that person’s time.
Network Marketers want to enter the ‘B’ quadrant in order to get into the ‘I’ quadrant. Basically, you are changing your core values to obtain financial freedom
that is associated with the ‘I’ quadrant—income that comes in after you quit working!
But why is it very few get into the ‘I’ quadrant? First it takes time and determination and goal setting for a minimum of 5 years. Most will not have what it takes to get to the ‘I ‘quadrant. It takes years to build a Microsoft/ McDonalds/ Starbucks—all great networks. Most go for quick gratification -get rich schemes-quick money without realizing the basic fundamentals that goes into any great business.
Chapter 6 What Is The Value of A Network?
Any business can have a value with blue sky value tied to a profit and loss statement (P&L) statement. The economic value of a network goes up exponentially, not numerically. This is called Metcalfe’s Law and a simple example—a phone system has no value with one phone. Add a second and the economic value is now squared or now 4. add a third now it is 9.
In the 1950s a new business model emerged called franchising. In those days the John Wayne’s (the old thinkers) derided them as pyramids and illegal! We know they are an accepted form of business today. A franchise is a form of business made up of multiple business owners working together.
In the 1970s another business model emerged called network marketing businesses or NWM and instead to a network of franchised businesses NWM is a network of 'franchised individuals'. Today the 'John Wayne’s' still criticizes (isn't that one of those pyramid schemes?) yet the industry is presently growing faster than traditional or franchised businesses! And the reason we do not ‘see’ that growth—it is invisibly operated out of homes and small businesses. In fact many NWM businesses make far more money than most franchises.
What changed this authors mind was the number of large traditional businesses that operate a NWM division. Citibank (Prime America), Keller-Williams, Berkshire Hathaway, AOL Time Warner to mention a few.
In order to harness the power of Metcalf’s Law you must clone yourself and the moment there are two of you your economic value is squared going from zero to four. If two people you brought in duplicates- then their value adds to yours. Instead of you working hard numerically, your economic value grows exponentially.
Chapter 7 The Ability To Sell
To go into the B Quadrant ( build a business with 500 employees or more), one MUST
have the ability ‘to sell’. Scary? When one says ‘I cannot sell’ one is really saying he or she fears rejection. We all ‘sell’ in one form or another. To disbelieve that is to be functionally naive. Using credit card debt –we have been taught to be great buyers not great sellers for the fact in using
The ability to borrow—one is selling his or her tomorrow to buy something ‘today’!
Chapter 8 Leadership skills—the road to the B Quadrant
Leaders do what most people fear to do. Look at any B Quadrant business—only have one or a few leaders—most are followers.
Chapter 9 The Difference Between Money and Wealth
The rich do not work for money—the poor and the middle class do that. Wealth is
Measured in Time—Not Money! As an example say you have $1000 in a bank account and your expenses to survive costs $100 a day. Therefore the measurement of my wealth is 10 days. (That is why credit card debt is a thief of wealth) Sort of like a doctor stating you have 6 months to live-the Measurement of your health has been stated in a value of time. Perhaps by a balancing of income (now comes the importance of leveraged vs. linear income) to debt you can say I am 2 months behind in my wealth. Truly, you are living on borrowed time and money!
The author states that there are three types of intelligence:
1) Mental -- the measurement can be your IQ rating
2) Emotional -- it has been said that this one is 25 times more powerful
than mental intelligence. Prime example—delayed gratification
being the opposite of instant—the primary cause of most
financial problems.
3) Financial -- This is measured by your financial statement or how much money you make, you keep, how hard the money works for you and how many generations you can pass your wealth on to.
Why most smart people never become rich --they lack the emotional intelligence
required for wealth accumulation. They state before any analysis of the objective-
-I can’t sell
-I do not have any time
-I do not have any money
-I am too busy to study every thing that is presented to me
-I tried something ‘like that’ before
-They are all scams
-They are all the same
-Isn’t that one of those pyramid deals?
People that try and get rich quickly essentially lack a necessary ingredient – patience. They also start something-get bored and quit going from job to job or from new idea to another ‘hot’ idea without having any true stated goal. Also, many will earn money and quickly purchase items of little or no investment value (vacations, cars, pay off credit card bills, etc) So rather than build a business, they would rather work for themselves (lawyer, doctor, real estate sales) or be employed – all for security rather than financial freedom.
The author in this chapter points out that most fail in Network Marketing (again the
goal whether part or full time is to build a business with over 500 partners) that they fail to recognize that it takes time (Kiyosaki says 3 to 5 years) with a stated and set goal. The lack of emotional intelligence which is the willingness to delay gratification or have patience and have the discipline to follow a plan is the main reason fail to establish themselves in the B Quadrant.
Chapter 10 Living Your Dreams
Kiyosaki states:
‘One of the most important values I have found in good network marketing companies is that they stress the importance of going for and living your dreams. My rich dad said why many people do not even have dreams is because it costs money. ( Or time)
Why are dreams important? Goals are stated as ‘dreams with dates attached’.
My rich dad explained the importance in this way: “Being rich and being able to
Afford a big house are not important. What is important is striving, learning and doing your best to develop your personal power to afford the big house. It is who you become in the process of affording the big house. People who dream small or not at all will continue to live lives as small people”
First—DEFINE WEALTH— The ability to have an income that allows you and your family to live on income without you working or maybe better said—on income from your investments whether it was an investment in money or time.
Second – MEASUREMENT OF WEALTH--- Measured in time not money
Third -- GETTING TO THE ‘I’ QUADRANT - More than a ‘change of mind-
you must change your core values. Understand to do so takes time (we all have 24 hours), patience, goal setting and the ability to follow through.
Fourth -- TIMING – Why a network marketing business today? American first began with the majority of the gross national product income was produced from farming, in the 1900s it was from manufacturing then in the 1960s we became a service oriented country
with the emergence of franchises. Today we see the emergence of networks.
SENDOUTCARDS DOT COM—Why does this network marketing company
stand out above all the rest?
Using the presentation of Kiyosaki THE BUSINESS SCHOOL
I would point out what facts exist today to show why SOC is the best business NWM vehicle to invest whatever time you can
1) We need to first understand the basic nature of the NWM business model.
a) there are multi-level pay-out systems (a car salesman sells a car and the manager ‘above’ him takes a portion of the commission one level payout) But that ends after the sale and you have to start over again-linear income.
b) There are multi-levels of people in traditional organizations that you are paid on (in real estate companies like Keller-Williams or Avalar, a broker is paid on seven levels of those he or she ‘recruits’) CitiGroup has a division called Prime America that pays on a multi-level basis.
c) MLM companies pay several levels down and then it ends whether it is a binary, fixed matrix or a breakaway. SendOutCards pays like a franchise in that you are paid on all levels-or better said-on volume.
c) Name any product or service sold by any MLM company—you can find that same product with any retailer at the same or lesser price. Try and find a 5X7 glossy greeting card with your own handwriting, with the envelope stuffed, addressed, stamped and mailed for you for $1.04! Any company will thrive if they have a price advantage!
d) Perhaps the most glaring difference with SOC is that cards have been around for many decades and in used in more countries than any MLM product out there. Pictures in cards are the universal language. Call on any lawyer, doctor or professional sales person and present a nutritional, skin care, travel or legal/tax service. Remember your ultimate goal in NWM is to have them duplicate what you are doing and do you think any of these professionals will take the time to sell vitamins or travel? . With cards—the very use of them is a neccessity in their business! Yet the very nature in using them is to sell them. That is the KEY to the success in generating an income with SendOutCards!
e) As to the potential income look at the financial geometrics of SOC as compared to those of other MLM companies.
1) Everyone that joins an MLM company is paid on the monthly consumption of products use of the service by those in the network. Simple arithmetic shows that
the amount spent monthly is uniform at relatively small amounts. About $100 to $150 a month in the juice deals, $50 a month in a travel one, and so on. Therefore one needs thousands in their organization to generate a worthwhile income.
2) With SOC there are businesses that use cards and send gifts in the thousands of dollars a month making it possible to generate a sizeable income on much fewer participants in one's network organization.
3) The business person analyzing any model of a network marketing business should find SOC a no-brainer in that you and I as franchised owners of our distribution network retains a percentage of not only all the cards mailed but the gifts for children, pets, holidays, gourmet foods, books, magazines, special occasions such as mothers day and fathers day gifts and never mind the endless occasions and holidays celebrated in other countries. Frankly, use your marketing imagination-it can boggle your mind!
4) Perhaps the last advantage SOC has is that the sending of a card changes the way a person feels. The very bedrock so says Kiyosaki of a NWM business is not
the financial plan or the products but how you change people’s feelings.
5) The company motto is to make a living through giving which is addressed in the
Law of Attraction.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
12 EZ ways to help save the environment +
The world is starting to melt. Slowly but surely, global warming is taking it's toll. The polar ice caps are melting, the oceans are rising. This can't be good news for you and me. Can we do something about it. You bet!
There are a bunch of little things you can do. I'll list them later, but I'm committed to the big energy savers that are really starting to become accepted. In my option there are three big ones:
- Solar Power
- Wind Power
- Hydrogen Power
Solar panels have been around for years, but few have used them effectively. New technologies are creating greater value for the consumer. A forward thinking company named Citizenre has introduced a plan to allow homeowners to rent the equipment, lock in their rate for 25 years, and generate their own power. And get this--no equipment cost. Pretty cool huh. For more info visit
Wind Power has come long way. You've probably seen those huge wind turbines from the highway. They generate huge amounts of electricity for thousands of homeowners and businesses. Well, that technology is available to the homeowners too. I'm working on a great offering that will affordable, work in less then 10 mph wind, and won't take up much room.
Hydrogen power is one of the least know, but potentially biggest cost savings, pollution stopping method of power available today. Imaging running any engine (car, boat, truck, generator) on just plain water! It is possible. I have a team of people working on an offering right now. There will be hybrid options, DIY kits, and turn key solutions available. Stay tuned!
Overall, I reccomend becoming more eco friendly. Lower your own "carbon footprint". There are alot of little things we can do. One thing is that we can use products that are "green seal approved". Start looking for this logo:
You can get more info by visiting
There are many ways to save energy and thereby help save the environment.
I'll list a dozen here, and if you want to read visit:
Here is the condensed version:
1.Mow Down Emissions
Battery-powered push mowers have been on a roll in 2008. Cut the grass, then plug your mower into a standard wall outlet to recharge it. The emissions savings can be substantial: according to the Environmental Protection Agency, running a typical two-stroke, gasoline-powered push mower for an hour creates as much pollution as driving a typical sedan for four hours.
2. Dead Bulb Depository
Everyone’s rushing to replace old incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), which last longer and use far less electricity. The bulbs contain tiny amounts of mercury, however, so tossing them in the garbage when they do finally burn out poses an environmental hazard. Most trash collectors won’t take them. To help, Home Depot is now accepting used CFLs at all its 1,970 building supply stores. A few other retailers such as True Value and IKEA are also taking the dead lamps.
3. Blow Up the Car (Tires)
You’ve heard it before: making sure your car’s tires are properly inflated can improve your gas mileage by up to 3 percent. But when was the last time you actually checked how they were doing? While you’re trying to remember, consider this: if you drive 15,000 miles in a year and get 25 miles per gallon, a 3 percent improvement will save about 17.5 gallons of gasoline, which at four dollars a gallon is $70. And of course, the gain means less oil consumed and fewer greenhouse gases emitted.
While you’re at it, consider getting a tune-up; it can improve mileage by 4 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. And the biggest gain of all: replacing a clogged air filter can raise fuel efficiency by as much as 10 percent.
4. Wrap the Heater
Water heaters more than five or six years old may not be as energy-efficient as they could be. How to tell? A tank that feels warm to the touch needs more insulation. A jacket or blanket that wraps around the appliance can be purchased from most home centers for only $10 to $20. The collar will pay for itself in a year and continue saving you 4 to 9 percent in water-heating costs—as well as reducing carbon emissions by the local electric utility. The Department of Energy recommends choosing a blanket with an insulating value of at least R-8.
5. Kid Power
If you have children who might be interested in flexing a little political muscle, tell them about the Energy Action Coalition. The grassroots network, whose slogan is “Youth united for clean and just energy,” has a small staff and a larger council and steering committee that help young people organize rallies and publicity campaigns. their districts.
6. Use less bottle water. Bottled water might well be one of the most needlessly wasteful products of modern times. The plastic is made from petroleum, at manufacturing plants that consume plenty of energy and spew emissions. The solution is not hard to decipher: drink water from the tap. And if you must have a bottle with you to fend off certain dehydration in case you’re stranded miles and hours away from any possible source of freshwater, buy a reusable bottle and refill it.
7. Save the Beach
Beaches everywhere are vulnerable to ocean pollution and algal blooms. The
8. Driving 65 miles per hour instead of 75 mph can improve fuel economy by up
to 15 percent.
9. Junk the Mail
The mail you want consumes enough paper. The junk mail you don’t want wastes much more. You can have your name removed from many promotional lists by signing up free at Links to stop telemarketing and e-mail solicitations can be found there, too.
10. At the Office ...
- Print only what you need
- Acquire recycled paper
- Walk, bike or carpool once a week
- Report leaky sinks and running toilets
- Unplug seldom-used machines
- Turn off lights and computers
- Lower the heat after hours
11. Running hot water at a sink for five minutes uses the same amount of energy as burning a 60-watt lightbulb for 14 hours
12. Recycling Hard Stuff
Cell phones: