Sunday, October 5, 2008

Investing within the US today?

The state of the US economy today is as poor as it's been since the great depression IMHO. Congress just passed a 700 billion dollar bailout of the banking system that the US government felt was necessary to keep us from going into a full blown rescission. That to me seems like a hefty cost that you and I (Joe taxpayer) will foot the bill for, considering that we are already in a minor recession.

I have some data that shows the shoddy history of the Federal Reserve. It highly suggests that it's the biggest scam in the history of the world. I’ll send it to you, just ask me. When the US switched from the gold standard to the Federal Reserve System we set ourselves up for the current state of the Economy. Read what one of our forefathers wrote long ago:

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

- So Said Mr. Thomas Jefferson, 200 years ago.-


Ralph Nader said it best in a recent news article posted on April 7, 2008 titled: Corporate America Gets a Bail-out Bonanza, whereby he writes:

Is there a larger, more exploited, defenseless group of undifferentiated Americans than the 133 million individual federal income taxpayers? Their dollars are used to subsidize organized corporate interests, giveaway taxpayer assets like minerals under the public lands, and bail out speculative, self-enriching corporations and their crooked bosses. There is no penalty for failure -- whether on Wall Street or in Washington, D.C. for misusing or wasting the taxpayers' monies. I asked a powerful Senator: What are the discernable legal limits on the Federal Reserve's bailout authority and how much total risk can the Federal Reserve heap on the taxpayers?

Can they go to a trillion dollars? He did not know.

While Ralph Nader is seemingly not a fan of expatriation as a solution, the reasons why someone would want to do so includes some of his very own criticisms. Other reasons include loss of civil liberties, and possibly some even worse scenarios one would rather not think about. Now they want to try and stick it to you with a new expatriation tax? Good luck with that one guys, and may the force be with you. Most people are not that stupid. Many people indeed simply go on vacation, albeit permanently, after they have already gotten their money out before hand. Which is why we could certainly speculate that currency controls might be the next thing to be pulled out of the proverbial bag of tricks (which is also why getting some cash up, up and away sometime very soon could not be a bad idea).
Regardless, it is much more palatable to watch all this unfold from a galaxy far, far away - Don't you think

So, I'm investing my money in a non-traditional way, away from banks, insurance companies, stocks, mutual funds or ANYTHING that is effected by the current US economy. My investment portfolio includes off shore investments in casinos, real estate, FOREX, and chosen reliable programs that have a track record of success.

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